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Dr. Seuss’s How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical


[By Lynnett. H] The holiday event Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical delighted audiences of all ages at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts on December 3rd8th in the Buell Theatre.
The musical follows the basic outline of the 1966 Chuck Jones-directed classic cartoon, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, which was based on Dr. Seuss’s 1957 illustrated children’s book. Prolific children’s author Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, wrote the book to criticize the commercialization of Christmas, and the musical emphasizes the theme.
The sets wonderfully reproduce the whimsical, off-kilter illustrations that made Dr. Seuss famous. For those who are not familiar with the story, the main character, the Grinch (Phillip Huffman), is a furry green misfit who lives as a hermit in a mountaintop cave overlooking the village of Whoville. For 53 years he has hated the noise, feasting, and celebration among the Who people, and on Christmas Eve he decides to stop Christmas Day from coming at all.
Disguising himself as Santa Claus, the Grinch dresses his faithful dog Max as a reindeer, drives a sleigh into town, and burglarizes every home in Whoville, taking away every Christmas themed-item from their houses. He steals decorations, candy, presents, and even the food for the village Christmas feast.
The musical’s creators (book and lyrics by Timothy Mason, music by Mel Marvin) included a stand-out moment of audience participation. Given the well-known and much-loved music from the 50-year-old cartoon (featuring music and lyrics by Albert Hague and Dr. Seuss), they raised the lights on the audience for a sing-along to “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” with lyrics cleverly printed on various props. Unfortunately, the new music in the stage production is not particularly memorable.


While the Grinch continues his crime spree, Cindy Lou Who (played winsomely on Tuesday night by Rachel Ling Gordon) awakens to find him stuffing the family tree up the chimney. He tells her that he plans to repair the tree in his workshop then sends her off to bed.
At this point, the musical expands and deepens the cartoon tale, bringing a beating heart into the simple story. Cindy Lou Who, a trusting toddler, does not obediently go back to bed. She wants to spend time with Santa Claus and is distraught to find that he lives alone. At first the Grinch is comically horrified when the toddler touches his hand, but as she hugs him, sings him a song, and cuddles next to him, we see his inner conflict and the beginning of a desire to leave his self-imposed isolation. Rather than the sudden change of heart in the cartoon and book, the Grinch’s heart in this show softens by degrees.
Although Cindy Lou Who begs the Grinch to stay until Christmas morning, she agrees to go back to sleep, and the Grinch and a very reluctant Max steal the rest of the town’s Christmas goodies before returning to Mt. Crumpit. As morning dawns, the Grinch listens excitedly to hear the cries of despair coming from the people of Whoville. Instead, they gather around the town’s denuded Christmas tree, light it with their own candles, and clasp hands to sing.
The Grinch, confused, realizes that Christmas is not about gift-giving but means something more. (The meaning of Christmas is never overtly stated; the show avoids religious themes and instead celebrates love for family, friends, and neighbors.) His heart grows three sizes, in a humorous sight gag involving lighted hearts under the green fur of his chest. The Grinch and Max race back into town in their sleigh, returning all the gifts.
Cindy Lou Who is delighted to see her friend again, and in an extended comic bit, the Grinch struggles to say the words “Merry Christmas,” with much audience participation to help him along. The show ends with the Grinch and Sam joining the townspeople’s Christmas feast with much song and merriment.


Philip Huffman fully inhabited the character of the Grinch, in all his curmudgeonly glory. Taking advantage of his fur-tufted hands, pot-bellied green body and elaborate makeup, Huffman gave a broadly comic performance, taunting audience members, singing with gusto, and creating laughter for a character who might be a bit scary for the smaller children.
Instead of using the nameless narrator of the cartoon version, the live musical tells the Grinch’s story through the character of Max as an old dog, looking back on the events of his life. Old Max, played by Bob Lauder, acts as the conscience of the story, and the role and highlights his rich bass singing voice. Jared Starkey displayed wonderfully canine behavior as Young Max, and the villagers’ round stomachs, bright hair and outlandish costumes bring Seuss’s vision to life. Rachel Gordon’s pure, high singing voice and innocent, childlike demeanor as Cindy Lou Who brought warmth and joy to the whole production.
The show began at a kid-friendly 7 pm and proceeded without intermission, clocking in at an hour and twenty minutesabout the length of an animated Disney movie. It’s a lighthearted production with a strong cast, although ticket prices are quite expensive for families, especially for small children who might not make it all the way through the show.

K-News Denver
[Copyright © knewsdenver.com]


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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[인터뷰] 덴버 오로라 본스 치킨, '한국 임원에서, 미국 성공 신화'까지

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[Undercover 덴버] (오로라) 소공동 순두부 / (Aurora) Tofu House - 실수를 인정할 줄 아는 마음, 오늘의 실수를 내일의 발전으로 삼을 줄 아는 지혜

세상을 살아가다 보면, 예기치 못한 변수에 부딪칠 때가 있다. 식당에서 밥을 먹을 때도 예외가 아닌데, 이것은 주로 서비스와 연관이 있다. 필자는 2017년 10월 7일 오후 7시 30분 경, 친구와 함께 덴버, 오로라에 위치한 소공동 순두부(Tofu House)를 찾았다. 평소 음식이 정갈하고, 밑반찬이 깨끗했기 때문에 좋은 이미지로 남아있었다. 친구와 필자는, 이것저것 상의한 끝에, 세트 A를 주문했다. 그리고 바로 우리 뒤를 이어 한 쌍의 손님이 들어왔다. 그 두 사람은 바로 우리 뒷자리에 앉았다. 여기까지는 문제가 없었다. 주문을 받아갔고, 잠시 후 서빙부에서 뭔가 문제가 생겼다는 느낌이 들 정도의 대화가 이어졌다. 그리고 잠시 후, 자기들끼리 뭔가 결론을 내는 듯한 분위기였다. 그러고 나서 음식이 나오는데, 뭔가 이상했다. 필자와 필자의 친구가 먼저 주문을 했는데, 뒷자리에 앉은 손님의 음식이 먼저 서빙 되고 있었다. 필자와 친구는, 뭔가 착오가 있나보다, 라고 대수롭지 않게 생각하고 주문한 음식을 기다렸다. 드디어 주문한 음식이 나왔고, 순두부 찌게를 맛본 순간, 뭔가 잘못됐다는 생각이 들었다. 평소 주문해서 먹던 순두부 찌게보다 훨씬 매웠던 것이다. 이마에 땀이 맺히고, 콧등이 시큰거릴 정도였다. 필자는 서빙부로 가서 웨이터에게, '혹시 뒷자리에 앉은 손님과 주문이 바뀐게 아니냐?' 라고 물었고, 웨이터는 '그런 일 없다, 주문서가 없어서, 조리부에서 음식을 못 만들고 있었을 뿐이다' 라고 해명했다. 필자는 '평소 먹던 음식보다 훨씬 매워서 그렇다'고 재차 어필했고, 웨이터는 '재료가 한국에서 막 조달되어 그런 것 같다'라고 말했다. 필자는 알겠다,고 한 후 자리로 돌아왔다. 그런데 문제는 여기서 시작된다. 필자가 자리로 돌아와 식사를 하는데, 서빙부 쪽에서 '저거 내가 거짓말하는 줄 안다'라는 소리가 분명히 들려왔다. 그리고 그 웨이터가 필